※ 欲訂一般場(午餐、下午、晚場)、包場者,請至中文「預約訂位」(也可選英語)。
1.The performance will be conducted bilingually in English-Chinese. If all attendees understand any one of English or Chinese, then the performance will proceed with single language delivery.
2.No meals are provided, ticket includes one bottle of marble soda or gold medal beer. Must be 18 or older to drink. No drink driving.(Extra charge for more drinks)
3.The special show requires a minimum number of 10 guests and can accommodate up to 72 people.If the number of audience doesn’t meet the required amount, the show will be canceled.
4.However, if there are fewer than 10 people, the "First person to book" who is willing to pay a basic performance fee(NT$8,000=$800×10 person), can still watch the show.
5.If additional people join later, the overpayment made by the "First person to book" will be deducted accordingly. For instance, if a group of 6 people initially paid the basic fee for the performance (equivalent to the fee for 10 people), and later 2 more people join, the excess fee paid (for 4 people) will be adjusted accordingly. This adjustment will continue until it reaches the basic fee for the "First person to book".
6.Dates marked with a ★ indicate scheduled performances. Please check the performance language when making your reservation.
7.Only accepting cash in Taiwanese dollars, credit cards are not accepted.
5.末達到演出「基本10人」時,首訂者願付「基本演出費」(NT$8,000=$800×10 /人)可演出。
6.若隨後有其他人加入,「首訂者」多付的費用將扣除。 例如,如果6人最初支付了演出基本費用(基本6人),後來又有2人加入,則支付的超額費用(4人)將會扣除2人。此扣除將持續到達10人為止。
Special Show
*Show Time 19:00-(English)20:00(bilingual)20:30 (Please arrive at 19:00)(★3/14)
*Contact Name
Special dinner show
言 語
住 所
Date of arrive Taiwan
Address in Taiwan
*Telephone number in Taiwan
*Date of intended event
Date of reservation
(same price for adults and children)
NT$ 800 / each
The ticket price includes
Seeing+Joining+Learning+Jasmine green tea ( Other orders charge separately.)
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1. Reservation is required for attending the event.
2. Provide English program list.
3. We will accept your reservation within twenty - one days before our shows.
Don’t order early , please. If you reserve our show before seven days , it will be too late to reply and arrange some matters .
4. We will contact you within three days after receiving your reservation form.
5. Please type your whole name on the internet so that we can connect you to inquire some information for example stopped performance , your wrong information and so on .
6. Please make sure that your email address is vaild.
7. Please contact us three days in advance if you cannot attend the event.
8. If the show is cancelled, we'll inform you three days (or earlier) prior to the show with e-mails.
9. We will arrange your seat in the order of receiving the reservation forms.
10. Smoking and Pets are not allowed.

See- Join Puppet Troupe
interactive , amazing , joy
I reallly love the experiences here, the performance is awesome, the atmosphere is fantastic, and the food is just great!